Gallery - Look upon my works, and Despair!

wow such art
wow such art
Soldier of God, Rick - Our Patron Saint of Martial Knowledge.
wow such art
THE self-made man. Don't even think of calling yourself that if you're not him.
wow such art
"Mater sanguinis agni dei" - Mother of the Blood God's Lamb.
wow such art
"We're nothing but stardust, ~floating."
wow such art
"Lady of the Moon." - Click here to see the borderless version.
wow such art
"Vice Dad and Child." - Parody of painting by Bartolome Esteban Murillo.
wow such art
"Rubus leucodermis - Whitebark Raspberry"
Seemed fitting for this pale, alien little boy; strange even amongst his own kind..
wow such art
"Flower Girls."
wow such art
"gemini split."
wow such art
Loved this one loads while I was creating it. Then I flipped the canvas, and I can't unsee the wonkiness.
wow such art
I think they've plenty in common :)